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1 May 2018

Methods for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity: A Systematic ReviewFREE

Publication: Annals of Internal Medicine
Volume 168, Number 11



Given the obesity pandemic, rigorous methodological approaches, including natural experiments, are needed.


To identify studies that report effects of programs, policies, or built environment changes on obesity prevention and control and to describe their methods.

Data Sources:

PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and EconLit (January 2000 to August 2017).

Study Selection:

Natural experiments and experimental studies evaluating a program, policy, or built environment change in U.S. or non-U.S. populations by using measures of obesity or obesity-related health behaviors.

Data Extraction:

2 reviewers serially extracted data on study design, population characteristics, data sources and linkages, measures, and analytic methods and independently evaluated risk of bias.

Data Synthesis:

294 studies (188 U.S., 106 non-U.S.) were identified, including 156 natural experiments (53%), 118 experimental studies (40%), and 20 (7%) with unclear study design. Studies used 106 (71 U.S., 35 non-U.S.) data systems; 37% of the U.S. data systems were linked to another data source. For outcomes, 112 studies reported childhood weight and 32 adult weight; 152 had physical activity and 148 had dietary measures. For analysis, natural experiments most commonly used cross-sectional comparisons of exposed and unexposed groups (n = 55 [35%]). Most natural experiments had a high risk of bias, and 63% had weak handling of withdrawals and dropouts.


Outcomes restricted to obesity measures and health behaviors; inconsistent or unclear descriptions of natural experiment designs; and imperfect methods for assessing risk of bias in natural experiments.


Many methodologically diverse natural experiments and experimental studies were identified that reported effects of U.S. and non-U.S. programs, policies, or built environment changes on obesity prevention and control. The findings reinforce the need for methodological and analytic advances that would strengthen evaluations of obesity prevention and control initiatives.

Primary Funding Source:

National Institutes of Health, Office of Disease Prevention, and Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (PROSPERO: CRD42017055750)
Obesity is a worldwide health problem: Globally, an estimated 1.9 billion adults are overweight or obese (1–3). Because the drivers of the obesity pandemic are complex, effective solutions to prevent and control obesity must extend beyond focusing on the individual to address the neighborhood context, as well as the social, cultural, and political background unique to regions and countries (2, 4, 5). To have the greatest effect, the Institute of Medicine recommended a “systems approach” targeting changes in 5 critical environments: physical activity, foods and beverages, messages, health care and work, and schools (6). Since then, many localities have enacted population-level policies to reduce obesity, including a sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Berkeley, California (7); calorie-labeling regulations in New York City (8–10); and support for building supermarkets in low-income neighborhoods (11). In addition, many school systems have implemented programs to boost children's fruit and vegetable consumption and increase outdoor time (12, 13). Evaluations of these policies and programs are enhancing our ability to adapt, scale, and disseminate those found to be effective (14).
Challenges in assessing these interventions stem from the complexity of the obesity problem, which tends to thwart interventions that focus on a single factor—or even several factors—and from a lack of standards for designing and evaluating interventions (2). Evaluations must take advantage of existing data sources; link policy, program, or transportation data to health data, such as electronic health records (EHRs); and follow populations over time. Furthermore, randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of obesity interventions are not always feasible or appropriate.
The purpose of this systematic review was to identify studies reporting the effects of programs, policies, or built environment changes on obesity prevention and control, and to describe their methods to better understand the population-based data sources, data linkages, and methodological and analytic approaches.


We addressed 6 key questions (KQs), formulated with input from experts, to inform the National Institutes of Health Pathways to Prevention Workshop Methods for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity (5 to 6 December 2017). The full evidence report contains additional details (15).
This article reports on 5 of the 6 KQ topics: population-based data sources (KQ1) and data linkages (KQ2); obesity measures, dietary and physical activity behaviors, and other outcomes (KQ3); experimental and nonexperimental methods (KQ4); and risk of bias (KQ5).

Data Sources and Search Strategy

We searched PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and EconLit (1 January 2000 to 21 August 2017). This time frame was selected to encompass studies after the 2001 publication of The Surgeon General's Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity (16).

Study Selection

Abstracts and full-text articles were screened by 2 trained team members; a third member adjudicated disagreements. We included natural experiments and experimental study designs that evaluated programs, policies, or built environment changes in U.S. or non-U.S. populations of all ages and that reported obesity measures for adults (body weight or body mass index [BMI]) or children (BMI Z score or percentile), or obesity-related individual health behaviors (dietary and physical activity). Studies were excluded if they had fewer than 100 participants, lacked a comparison or unexposed group or pre–post comparison, or were performed in a country that ranked below “very high” on the 2016 United Nations Human Development Index.

Data Extraction

Trained researchers serially abstracted the study's setting (such as school, community, or workplace); participants' demographic characteristics; details of the policy, program, or built environment changes (including name or bill number, original goal, governing body, year of enactment, implementation and completion, and target environment [for example, food and beverage environment]); data sources and their linkages; study design; and analytic methods.

Data Synthesis

We applied the United Kingdom Medical Research Council's definition of a natural experiment as a study in which the researchers do not have control of the intervention assignment, versus an experimental study or other nonexperimental study design in which the intervention assignment is not clear (17).

KQ1 and KQ2

We applied previously developed criteria to assess whether a data source was a data system—that is, whether it was found on the Web; was digitally accessible; was sharable; and contained outcomes or exposures of interest. We described data linkage methods between U.S. data systems.


We described the types of measures to assess adult body weight or BMI, childhood BMI (Z score and percentile), and individual dietary behaviors in terms of total daily caloric intake, nutrients related to obesity (vegetable, fruit, or fiber intake), frequency of sugar-sweetened beverage or fast food intake, and individual physical activity behavior (both type and quantity of activity). We assessed additional outcomes, such as the food or physical activity environment.


We described the types of study designs and analytic methods, as well as their frequency of use, by study design.
Two reviewers independently evaluated each study's risk of bias using 6 domains from the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) quality assessment tool: selection bias, study design, confounding, blinding, data collection, and withdrawals and dropouts (18). Studies received domain-specific ratings (strong, moderate, or weak) according to the EPHPP algorithm (18). Each study also received a global risk-of-bias rating: “strong” if no domain was rated weak, “moderate” if only 1 domain was rated weak, or “weak” if 2 or more domains were rated weak. We developed additional study design–specific risk-of-bias questions for the nonexperimental designs used in natural experiments, such as interrupted time series (15).

Role of the Funding Source

The National Institutes of Health, Office of Disease Prevention, funded the review through an interagency agreement with the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Neither organization had a role in study selection, assessment, or synthesis.


Study Characteristics

We identified 26 316 unique citations, of which 294 studies (reported in 312 articles) were eligible for inclusion (Figure 1). The published report lists all 294 included, as well as excluded, articles (15). Most studies were conducted in the United States (n = 188), followed by Canada, the United Kingdom, and Italy. More than half the studies (n = 156 [53%]) met the criteria for natural experiments, 40% (n = 118) were experimental studies or had another study design, and 7% (n = 20) had an uncertain classification. Table 1 breaks down the number of studies according to study method; program, policy, or built environment goals; and target settings. Most studies, regardless of design, targeted children and schools and addressed changes in the physical activity and food and beverage environments. Of the 188 U.S. studies, we identified 139 unique policy or program evaluations. Examples were food and beverage policies, such as sugar-sweetened beverage bans (19); competitive food (20) and calorie-labeling laws (9, 10); federal programs, such as Women, Infants, and Children and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (21–23); and physical activity policies (24–26).
Figure 1. Evidence search and selection. HDI = Human Development Index; KQ = key question. * Sum of excluded abstracts exceeds 25 093 because reviewers were not required to agree on reasons for exclusion. † Sum of excluded articles exceeds 911 because reviewers were not required to agree on reasons for exclusion. ‡ 294 studies (on a unique intervention, applied to a unique population) were identified; 312 individual articles reported on these 294 studies.
Figure 1. Evidence search and selection.
HDI = Human Development Index; KQ = key question.
* Sum of excluded abstracts exceeds 25 093 because reviewers were not required to agree on reasons for exclusion.
† Sum of excluded articles exceeds 911 because reviewers were not required to agree on reasons for exclusion.
‡ 294 studies (on a unique intervention, applied to a unique population) were identified; 312 individual articles reported on these 294 studies.
Table 1. Summary of Study Methods; Programs, Policies, and Built Environment Goals; and Targets of Intervention in the Studies Evaluating Obesity Prevention and Control Programs and Policies (n = 294)*
Table 1. Summary of Study Methods; Programs, Policies, and Built Environment Goals; and Targets of Intervention in the Studies Evaluating Obesity Prevention and Control Programs and Policies (n = 294)*

Population-Based Data Sources and Their Linkage Methods

All 294 studies reported using 1 or more population-based data sources. Ninety-three studies used a total of 169 data sources that were shareable (26 were used for primary data collection and 143 were secondary data sources). One hundred six unique data sources (71 U.S. and 35 non-U.S.) met the criteria for a data system (96 in natural experiments) (Appendix Table 1).
Appendix Table 1. Data Systems Identified by the Systematic Review, by Study Design*
Appendix Table 1. Data Systems Identified by the Systematic Review, by Study Design*
Thirty-nine percent of the 71 U.S. data systems were originally designed for an administrative purpose, 31% were for public health operations, and 57% had national coverage. Figure 2 characterizes the U.S. data systems with regard to their availability on the Web, the accessibility of their data, and the provision of a data dictionary. Although most data systems (73%) had a dedicated Web presence, few provided detailed information (such as data elements or data quality reports). For example, the NHANES (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) provides detailed information about data quality issues and potential analytic pitfalls.
Figure 2. Characterization of the 71 U.S. data systems in terms of availability (Web page), data accessibility, and provision of a data dictionary, among the 294 data sources. For a data source to be considered a data system, it must exist on the Web, be available and accessible in digital format for use by other researchers (that is, sharable), and collect 1 or more outcomes of interest related to obesity, as defined in this project. Values in the light-green bars are mutually exclusive.
Figure 2. Characterization of the 71 U.S. data systems in terms of availability (Web page), data accessibility, and provision of a data dictionary, among the 294 data sources.
For a data source to be considered a data system, it must exist on the Web, be available and accessible in digital format for use by other researchers (that is, sharable), and collect 1 or more outcomes of interest related to obesity, as defined in this project. Values in the light-green bars are mutually exclusive.
Of the 71 U.S. data systems, 26 (37%) were linked to a secondary data source or system other than a primary data source. Studies that linked their data systems to several external data systems used either an individual-level key (10 studies [for example, patient identifiers]) or a geographic allocation (16 studies [for example, a patient residing in a specific county, thus mapping the county specifications from other data sources for that individual]).

Measurement of Dietary and Physical Activity Behaviors in Children and Adults

Weight and BMI

One hundred twelve studies reported childhood weight and 32 reported adult weight outcomes. Table 2 displays the methods for measuring obesity in adults and children, by study design. In children, the most common measure was BMI Z score in both natural experiments (n = 19) and experimental studies (n = 5). Twenty-six of the 46 natural experiments used secondary data sources containing childhood weight and height measured by trained staff, such as the National Survey of Children's Health (27), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study—Kindergarten Cohort (28), and School Health Policies and Programs Study (29).
Table 2. Description of the Obesity Outcomes and Measures in Adults and Children Among the 134 of 294 Studies Reporting Obesity Outcomes, by Study Design*
Table 2. Description of the Obesity Outcomes and Measures in Adults and Children Among the 134 of 294 Studies Reporting Obesity Outcomes, by Study Design*
Thirty-two of 294 studies reported adult body weight (n = 6) and BMI (n = 31) outcomes (17 natural experiments, 13 experimental studies, and 2 other studies). Most studies reporting weight measures in adults were conducted in community (n = 15) or worksite (n = 10) settings. Of the 17 natural experiments, 11 used self-reported data, 6 used direct measurement by trained staff, and none used data from the EHR.

Diet and Physical Activity Behaviors

One hundred forty-eight studies reported dietary behavioral outcomes in terms of changes in intakes of fruits and vegetables (n = 147), sugar-sweetened beverages (n = 54), total daily calories (n = 17), fast food (n = 16), or fiber (n = 12) (Appendix Table 2). In children, the most frequently used diet assessment method was 24-hour recall (n = 31); for adults, the most frequent method was a food-frequency questionnaire (n = 26), such as the one from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), which was used in 4 natural experiments (30–33).
Appendix Table 2. Dietary Outcomes and Measures for Children and Adults, by Study Design*
Appendix Table 2. Dietary Outcomes and Measures for Children and Adults, by Study Design*
One hundred fifty-two studies reported physical activity; most (n = 89) were done in the school (vs. community) setting. All 42 studies with a goal of changing the parks and recreation or transportation environment measured physical activity. Thirty-two of the 106 studies in children used electronic monitoring, such as accelerometers, whereas only 10 studies in adults did so (Appendix Table 3).
Appendix Table 3. Physical Activity Outcomes and Measures, by Study Design*
Appendix Table 3. Physical Activity Outcomes and Measures, by Study Design*
Thirty-seven studies (26 natural experiments) reported on additional outcomes, such as food purchasing behavior (n = 17), physical environment (n = 8), commuting (n = 4), and food environment (n = 6).

Experimental and Natural Experiment Study Designs and Analytic Methods

Table 3 summarizes the study designs used. The most common analytic approach in 156 natural experiments was cross-sectional comparison of exposed and unexposed groups (n = 55 [35%]), followed by pre–post analyses, with the preintervention period serving as the control for the postintervention period (n = 48 [31%]), and difference-in-differences approaches looking at changes over time compared with an external control group (n = 45 [29%]). All pre–post analyses measured variables at a single time point before intervention, and 80% had a single measure after intervention. A few natural experiments used other nonexperimental designs, including 4 instrumental variable approaches, 1 regression discontinuity approach, and 4 interrupted time series analyses with more than 2 time points before and after intervention.
Table 3. Overview of Study Design or Data Collection Structure of the 294 Studies Addressing Obesity Prevention and Control Policies and Programs
Table 3. Overview of Study Design or Data Collection Structure of the 294 Studies Addressing Obesity Prevention and Control Policies and Programs
Of the 118 experimental studies (40%), 74 were RCTs and 44 were controlled clinical trials. The unit of intervention allocation was most often at the organization (66%) or community (23%) level, and 93% of the studies used individual-level analyses.

Risks of Bias in Studies

Figure 3 shows risk-of-bias ratings for the 156 natural experiments. The domains most likely to be rated as strong (that is, low risk of bias) were data collection methods and confounding, but still only 74 (47%) were rated as such for data collection and 69 (44%) for confounding. Forty-three natural experiments (28%) were rated strong on selection bias; 98 studies (63%) were rated “very likely” that the study sample represented the target population, but only 40 (25%) reported that 80% to 100% of selected persons agreed to participate. Ninety-nine natural experiments (64%) were rated as weak (high risk of bias) in the domain of withdrawals and dropouts. For 30% of studies, withdrawals and dropouts were not reported or not enough information was given to determine how attrition was handled.
Figure 3. Risk of bias for natural experiment studies using the EPHPP tool (n = 156). EPHPP = Effective Public Health Practice Project. * Studies were given a “strong” global rating if no domains had a “weak” rating, a “moderate” global rating if a single domain had a weak rating, and a weak global rating if 2 or more domains had a weak rating.
Figure 3. Risk of bias for natural experiment studies using the EPHPP tool (n = 156).
EPHPP = Effective Public Health Practice Project.
* Studies were given a “strong” global rating if no domains had a “weak” rating, a “moderate” global rating if a single domain had a weak rating, and a weak global rating if 2 or more domains had a weak rating.
Fifty-five percent of experimental studies were rated as having a strong study design and 61% as adequately addressing confounding. However, most were rated as moderate or weak in the areas of blinding, selection bias, and handling withdrawals and dropouts.


To address the obesity pandemic, researchers, policymakers, and funders recognize the need for natural experiments to efficiently and practically identify successful programs and policies that can be disseminated widely and scaled to communities and schools (3, 34). Our systematic review identified many methodologically diverse natural experiments (n = 156) and data sources (n = 106) that have been used to estimate the effect of programs, policies, or built environment changes on obesity prevention and control. Natural experiments, like other obesity study designs, lacked consistent measures of diet and physical activity, and few assessed neighborhood or school co-benefits or harms associated with the policies and programs. Studies often had substantial risk of bias, particularly because of their handling of withdrawals and dropouts, weak study design, and management of confounding. Our findings reinforce the need for methodological and analytic advances, including reporting standards that would strengthen the evaluation of efforts to improve obesity prevention and control.
Although we identified 106 unique data sources (Appendix Table 1), most researchers used large, publicly available national surveys, such as NHANES, BRFSS, and the Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System, or state-level data, most commonly from California, New York, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute established the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORNet), with 13 Clinical Data Research and 20 Patient-Powered Research Networks to link patient data longitudinally across organizations as well as large U.S. health systems (35). Although the infrastructure is still under development and testing, PCORNet exemplifies how EHR data might be used to evaluate obesity prevention policies and programs, especially through links to other public health data sources. Community Commons is an example of a Web portal with the infrastructure to house and organize community-level data. It enables data sharing and interactive mapping functionality (36) for community evaluators and researchers (36, 37). Another resource for investigators is the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR), which has focused on childhood obesity prevention data sources and measures. Expansion of NCCOR to include adults, data sources beyond health, and data dictionaries and guides to performing data linkages at the individual and geographic levels might help obesity researchers evaluate natural experiments and programs. Only one third of the studies linked their data to other sources, despite the potential for data linkages to expand researchers' ability to assess the effect of geography or neighborhood characteristics on outcomes of interest. Barriers to accessing and sharing EHR data include ethical and privacy concerns; retrieving commercial data related to the food system poses additional hurdles (38).
Although RCTs are considered the gold standard for reducing risk of bias, they are challenging to implement because of their high cost, and random assignment of participants or communities to policies or programs often is not feasible (39). To improve the applicability and validity of evaluations, obesity researchers might consider innovative trial designs that would allow randomization, such as stepped wedge or waitlist control designs. Although obesity policy evaluations are particularly amenable to natural experiments, most had substantial risk of bias. Advancing the validity and trustworthiness of future natural experiments should involve greater use of multiple comparison groups as well as sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of results to inclusion or exclusion of variables in the models.
Finally, we expected to find greater use of nonexperimental designs and analytic approaches, such as propensity scores, instrumental variables, regression discontinuity, and interrupted time series, to improve comparison group selection and the ability to make causal inferences. The Medical Research Council recommends several pre–post measures to improve the design of natural experiments, especially if a control group is not available, as in the pre–post designs (17). However, most studies were cross-sectional (35%), were pre–post (31%) with single pre–post time points, or used a difference-in-differences design (29%). Depending on the research question, the type of natural experiment, and the stability of the outcome of interest, adding several time points or comparison groups should improve study validity but may have cost or time implications for researchers. Additional comparisons may be made by using synthetic control populations, regression discontinuity, or propensity score approaches.
We note some limitations to our systematic review. First, we excluded several types of studies: those that assessed associations between perceived or measured home, school, or neighborhood environment and outcomes (40) but without a clear program, policy, or environment change; studies without 1 of our main outcomes, such as those assessing the effect of menu labeling on caloric information awareness (41); and parks and transportation usage analyses that reported observed counts of people without individual-level change in physical activity (42). Second, the definition of which methods and designs constitute a natural experiment continues to evolve (17). In applying the Medical Research Council's definition, we found that few studies self-identified as natural experiments, studies used many different (but often poorly defined) terms for reporting their design (such as quasi-experiments), and some did not clearly report the role of the investigator in intervention assignment, making it challenging to classify these studies. Third, because no risk-of-bias assessment tool exists specifically for natural experiments, we relied on a previously developed instrument. Such tools as the EPHPP have been criticized for being overly rigorous and failing to account for feasibility, implementation, and future scalability, which are important considerations for natural experiments. In addition, we applied the EPHPP's definition of selection bias, which assesses the extent to which study participants are likely to represent the target population (18) and is more relevant to public health studies but is not the textbook definition of selection bias (43).
The implications from this review emphasize the need to enhance obesity researchers' access to information sources, including commercial data (such as information from food retailers and mapping data on mobile phones). The results also indicate a need for better infrastructure for existing data sources, with detailed codebooks and practical tutorials for performing data linkages. Investments must be made in communities that are collecting ongoing health and behavioral information and linking to data sources at the health care, community, school, and public health levels. Good examples of community-based data collection are Michigan's Project Healthy Schools (44) and Shape Up Somerville (Massachusetts) (45). The former was created through collaboration between the University of Michigan and local community organizations, including public schools, to assess the long-term effect of a wellness program in schools (44). Enhancing the validity and trustworthiness of future research will require collaboration between nonexperimental design methodologists and obesity content researchers to broaden the study design toolbox for natural experiment studies. To improve the rigor, consistency, and transparency regarding risk of bias in obesity natural experiments, the field needs standard reporting guidelines. Finally, given the public health importance and complexity of obesity, the field would benefit from a clearinghouse of high-quality, evidence-based obesity prevention and control studies, held to rigorous methodological standards, to provide best-practices or “ready-to-scale” evidence for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners. An example from the education field is the What Works Clearinghouse, which applies criteria to review existing research on different educational programs, products, practices, and policies to inform educators (46).


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Published In

cover image Annals of Internal Medicine
Annals of Internal Medicine
Volume 168Number 115 June 2018
Pages: 791 - 800


Published online: 1 May 2018
Published in issue: 5 June 2018




Wendy L. Bennett, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Renee F. Wilson, MS
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Allen Zhang, BS
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Eva Tseng, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Emily A. Knapp, MHS
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Hadi Kharrazi, MHI, MD, PhD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Elizabeth A. Stuart, PhD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Oluwaseun Shogbesan, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Eric B. Bass, MD, MPH
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Lawrence J. Cheskin, MD
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, Maryland (W.L.B., R.F.W., A.Z., E.T., E.A.K., H.K., E.A.S., O.S., E.B.B., L.J.C.)
Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the authors, who are responsible for its contents. The findings and conclusions do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ; therefore, no statement in this report should be construed as an official position of AHRQ or of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Acknowledgment: The authors thank Drs. Kimberly Gudzune, Rachel Thornton, Bruce Lee, Kevin Frick, Lainie Rutkow, and Sara Bleich for providing input at all stages of this article. They also thank Dr. Lionel Bañez, their task order officer at AHRQ.
Financial Support: This report is based on research conducted by the Johns Hopkins University Evidence-based Practice Center under contract 290-2012-00007I to AHRQ, Rockville, Maryland.
Disclosures: Ms. Wilson and Dr. Stuart report grants from AHRQ during the conduct of the study. Dr. Cheskin served on the scientific advisory boards of Medifast and Pressed Juicery during the conduct of the study. Authors not named here have disclosed no conflicts of interest. Disclosures can also be viewed at
Editors' Disclosures: Christine Laine, MD, MPH, Editor in Chief, reports that her spouse has stock options/holdings with Targeted Diagnostics and Therapeutics. Darren B. Taichman, MD, PhD, Executive Editor, reports that he has no financial relationships or interests to disclose. Cynthia D. Mulrow, MD, MSc, Senior Deputy Editor, reports that she has no relationships or interests to disclose. Deborah Cotton, MD, MPH, Deputy Editor, reports that she has no financial relationships or interest to disclose. Jaya K. Rao, MD, MHS, Deputy Editor, reports that she has stock holdings/options in Eli Lilly and Pfizer. Sankey V. Williams, MD, Deputy Editor, reports that he has no financial relationships or interests to disclose. Catharine B. Stack, PhD, MS, Deputy Editor for Statistics, reports that she has stock holdings in Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.
Reproducible Research Statement: Study protocol: Available at Statistical code: Not applicable. Data set: Full technical report available at
Corresponding Author: Wendy Bennett, MD, MPH, Division of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2024 East Monument Street, Suite 2-616, Baltimore, MD 21205; e-mail, [email protected].
Current Author Addresses: Dr. Bennett, MD, MPH, Division of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2024 East Monument Street, Suite 2-616, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Ms. Wilson: Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, 624 North Broadway, Room 645, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Mr. Zhang and Drs. Kharrazi and Shogbesan: Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, 624 North Broadway, Room 661, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Dr. Tseng: Division of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 2024 East Monument Street, Suite 2-601, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Ms. Knapp: Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, 615 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Dr. Stuart: Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University, School of Public Health, 624 North Broadway, Room 839, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Dr. Bass: Division of General Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 624 North Broadway, Room 680A, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Dr. Cheskin: Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health, 550 North Broadway, Suite 1001, Baltimore, MD 21205.
Author Contributions: Conception and design: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E.A. Knapp, H. Kharrazi, E.A. Stuart, O. Shogbesan, E.B. Bass, L.J. Cheskin.
Analysis and interpretation of the data: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E. Tseng, E.A. Knapp, E.A. Stuart, H. Kharrazi, E.B. Bass, L.J. Cheskin.
Drafting of the article: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E. Tseng, E.A. Knapp, H. Kharrazi, O. Shogbesan.
Critical revision for important intellectual content: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E. Tseng, E.A. Knapp, H. Kharrazi, E.A. Stuart, E.B. Bass, L.J. Cheskin.
Final approval of the article: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E. Tseng, E.A. Knapp, H. Kharrazi, E.A. Stuart, O. Shogbesan, E.B. Bass, L.J. Cheskin.
Provision of study materials or patients: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang.
Statistical expertise: W.L. Bennett, A. Zhang, E.A. Stuart.
Obtaining of funding: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E.B. Bass, L.J. Cheskin.
Administrative, technical, or logistic support: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, O. Shogbesan, E.B. Bass.
Collection and assembly of data: W.L. Bennett, R.F. Wilson, A. Zhang, E. Tseng, E.A. Knapp, H. Kharrazi, O. Shogbesan, L.J. Cheskin.
This article was published at on 1 May 2018.

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Wendy L. Bennett, Renee F. Wilson, Allen Zhang, et al. Methods for Evaluating Natural Experiments in Obesity: A Systematic Review. Ann Intern Med.2018;168:791-800. [Epub 1 May 2018]. doi:10.7326/M18-0309

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